Priests, penitents, theologians, politicians and canon lawyers discuss current threats to the seal of confession.

10 thoughts on “Threats to the seal of confession”
  1. This is a blatant attack on the priesthood and the Sacrament of Penance.

  2. Confess to God the details of your sins. He will forgive you. Admit that you have sinned before the assembly.. not a man in a box…

    1. +WildwoodCastle btw Dante’s hell has always been considered a poetic FICTION. Nowhere the Church has ever taught that it was the “true” representation. Can you believe me now when I say you’re ignorant ? ?‍♂️?

    2. You’re going off topic out of arguments again: sabbath keepers contradicted first christians who understood the sabbath did not make sense on friday anymore, they wanted to keep obeying all jewish. Anyway they were not evangelicals as those only existed lately (even contradicting lutherans and czlvinists). You just don’t have an apostolic succession and no serious historian would support such a fantasy. ? It doesn’t make sense to “pile”, as if those killings were from the same people, the same motives and the same contexts. Seems like you’re trying to justify your own murders, which shows your hypocrisy and fake martyrdom ✌️I could pile up all violence from all heretics, yes, including protestant england and the USA, with your fallacious methods ?

    3. +esiab erem at – You pile up all of those murdered by the Vatican and I will pile up those killed by the Waldesians. I will have a bump in the road and you will have a mountain…

    4. +esiab erem at The Holy Sabbaths are not ‘Jewish’. They are God’s instruction to all. This is the problem with RCC. The Vatican ditched God’s instructions and replaced them with pagan religious practices and man made traditions… Their is no instruction in the Bible to stop keeping God’s law including the Sabbaths…

      The term Judaizers is not about keeping God’s Law. It is about pressuring new convert to keep the law before they are admitted into the assembly…

      But some men came down from Judea and were teaching the brothers, “Unless you are circumcised according to the custom of Moses, you cannot be saved.”

      What did the apostles do about this..?

      Instead, we should write and tell them to abstain from food polluted by idols, from sexual immorality, from the meat of strangled animals, and from blood. For Moses has been proclaimed in every city from ancient times and is read in the synagogues on every Sabbath.”

      They instructed them on certain issues of the Food Law that they likely had been doing. Then they could learn the Law Of Moses in their own time in the Synagogue on the Sabbath…

      It is not keeping the Law that saves one. It is one that is saved that wants to keep God’s Law…

      One of the false doctrines of the Vatican is the Dante’s Inferno version of Hell. The Bible teaches no such thing as eternal torture. This is a Satanic lie…

    5. Btw, we know about the sins of catholics in the past. However, Waldesians also used violence and rebellion at times, some killed their masters because they converted to catholicism 🙂 (Richard Kieckhefer Repression of heresy in Germany, 1348-1520, p.58) In fact, most protestants were creating societal divisions if not directly waging wars (hussites, huguenots etc.), for the sake of lies… That is sad

  3. When are bishops going to advocate for civil disobedience? We can no longer make peace with the liberal state, we have an obligating to God before any secular state

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