Mamma mia, here they go again

Why does Hollywood think that smoking is awful, but promiscuity and open sexuality are harmless pastimes? Warning: This article contains arguments that challenge conventional North American thinking (or lack thereof)…

Seal pup silliness

Regulations are piled upon regulations in Canada about killing seal pups, but there is no law about abortion. Maybe I should make a New Year’s resolution to avoid spending so…

The educational reform we need most

Smarter teachers? More parental involvement? More computers? Better assessment? Healthier lunches? Nope. Try harder-working kids. School reform has become a real yawner. Even in the face of falling test scores,…

An indulgence of adult desires

Surrogate motherhood isn’t about forming families; it is about satisfying adult desires. Nothing like the Christmas season to remind us how selfish and adult-centred we should be. No, you’re right.…