Drink! Drink! Drink! Students keep bingeing during general decline
Good news and bad news about young people and binge drinking: in the United States, anyway, reckless drinking is down over all, but not among college students. Among 18- to…
Japan’s woman-shy, homebody men
A new breed of Japanese men is provoking a national debate about how the country’s economic stagnation since the early 1990s has altered men’s behaviour, and whether or not it…
The wrong cure for infertility
Turning baby-making into a technology can have devastating results. For some men and women, IVF can seem like a godsend. Inability is always felt as a grievous loss for loving…
The private world of child abuse
The abusive institutions have closed but adults are still trampling all over the rights of children. One of the great discoveries of the twentieth century is the rights of children.…
Families matters
Private choices, public costs: How failing families cost us all "What we know is that marriage is a very significant institution, not just for individuals, but for the social whole."…
Billboard blight
A rancid advertising campaign shows the difference between sex and love. “Want Longer Lasting Sex?”; “Want Longer Lasting… Censored”; “Bonk Longer”. Like the plagues that were cast upon the Egyptians,…
Married, with children, pays
Money talks at the Economist, and the talk in this item from May, which has just been brought to our attention, is that in most of the developed world it…
Wrong girl, Archie!
Stunning, heart-breaking news: Archie Andrews is going to get married, and he has chosen the wrong girl. Archie Comics Publications has announced that he will soon pop the question to…
Fighting parents drive teens to drink
The research is clear: adolescents tend to fare better — academically and behaviourally — when they live with both biological parents. And that’s a couple of scientists talking. But there…
Beyond the culture of dependency in Africa
The experience of poor farmers in Kenya is a lesson in the need for an ethical revolution against corruption, says the first African woman to be awarded the Nobel Peace…
Saruman at Notre Dame
President Obama’s masterful speech was widely applauded — but what did he actually say?“Those who listened unwarily to that voice could seldom report the words that they heard; and if…